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Backup And Recovery


There are generally three parts of data to backup

  • SeaTable tables data
  • Databases
  • Configuration files with private keys

If you setup your SeaTable server according to our manual, there should exist a directory layout like this:

├── ccnet
├── conf
├── db-data
├── logs
├── pids
├── scripts
├── seafile-data
├── seahub-data
└── storage-data

All your data is stored under the /opt/seatable-server/seatable/ directory.

Important sub-directories that contain user data:

  • seafile-data: contains uploaded files for file and image columns
  • seahub-data: contains data used by web front-end, such as avatars
  • db-data: contains archived rows in bases
  • storage-data: contains backups for the bases in dtable-db (added in Enterprise Edition 3.0.0); Since version 3.0.0, tables and snapshots are also stored in this directory.

Important MariaDB databases that contain user/metadata:

  • ccnet_db: contains user and group information
  • seafile_db: contains library metadata
  • dtable_db: contains tables used by the web front end
Database structure

SeaTable stores the following data types in the MySQL database engine in the mariadb Docker container:

  • user actions and inputs in bases (e.g. new/modified/deleted rows, new/modified/deleted columns, new/modified, deleted views)
  • meta-information for bases (e.g. API-token, common datasets, links, row comments, snapshots, third-party accounts, webhooks)
  • statistical and log information (e.g. automation rules execution, row count)
  • user and group information (e.g. 2FA status, logins, user quota)
  • versioning information for the assets (e.g. files and images) saved in bases



  1. Backup the MySQL databases
  2. Backup the /opt/seatable-server/ directory
  3. Backup the /opt/seatable-compose/ directory (with your seatable license and .env secrets)

Backup Order: Database First or Data Directory First

1. Backup the MySQL databases

# It's recommended to backup the database to a separate files each time. Don't overwrite older database backups for at least a week.
# replace <your_mysql_password> with your actual MySQL password (might be still present in /opt/seatable-compose/.env)
# beware that this method will expose your mysql password in the process list and shell history of the docker host

mkdir -p /opt/seatable-backup/databases && cd /opt/seatable-backup/databases
docker exec -it "mariadb" "mysqldump" -u"root" -p'<your_mysql_password>' --opt "ccnet_db" > "./ccnet_db.sql"
docker exec -it "mariadb" "mysqldump" -u"root" -p'<your_mysql_password>' --opt "seafile_db" > "./seafile_db.sql"
docker exec -it "mariadb" "mysqldump" -u"root" -p'<your_mysql_password>' --opt "dtable_db" > "./dtable_db.sql"


The above commands do not work via cronjob. To create dumps of the database via cronjob, the parameters -it must be omitted.

Backing up SeaTable data

You can use rsync to do incremental backup for data directories (assuming /opt/seatable-backup/ already exists)

mkdir -p /opt/seatable-backup/
rsync -az --exclude 'ccnet' --exclude 'logs' --exclude 'db-data' /opt/seatable-server /opt/seatable-backup
rsync -az /opt/seatable-compose /opt/seatable-backup

You may notice that db-data directory is not backed up. The data in this directory is backed up in a different way. Please refer to the next sub-section.

Setup automatic backup for dtable-db

available since Enterprise Edition 3.0.0

Data managed by dtable-db component is archived rows from bases. They should be backed up as well. Data for dtable-db sits in the /opt/seatable-server/seatable/db-data directory.

Unlike other components, dtable-db provides built-in automatic backup mechanism. It will take a snapshot for each base and upload to dtable-storage-server. dtable-db only make new backup for a base if it detects changes to it. This makes the backup more efficient. dtable-storage-server also compresses the backups to make it more storage-efficient.

To setup automatic backup for dtable-db:

  1. Setup and run dtable-storage-server. It should be started by default. Find more details in dtable-storage-server documentation.
  2. Set [backup] configuration options in dtable-db.conf as in dtable-db documentation

If you configure dtable-storage-server with local file system as backend, dtable-storage-server saves its data to the path specified in dtable-storage-server.conf. By default it's set to /opt/seatable-server/seatable/storage-data. If you set up your backup as in the last section, you should have already backed up this directory as well. Since storage-data directory has already contained the backups for dtable-db, data in db-data directory doesn't need to backup.

If you configure dtable-storage-server with object storage as backend, there will be no data saved to /opt/seatable-server/seatable/storage-data. So you don't have to backup storage-data directory either.

You can also manually execute the command to backup dtable-db data immediately

docker exec -it seatable-server /opt/seatable/scripts/ backup-all


Restore the databases

# replace <your_mysql_password> with your actual MySQL password (might be still present in /opt/seatable-compose/.env)
# beware that this method will expose your mysql password in the process list and shell history of the docker host

docker exec -i "mariadb" "/usr/bin/mysql" -u"root" -p'<your_mysql_password>' ccnet_db < /opt/seatable-backup/databases/ccnet_db.sql
docker exec -i "mariadb" "/usr/bin/mysql" -u"root" -p'<your_mysql_password>' seafile_db < /opt/seatable-backup/databases/seafile_db.sql
docker exec -i "mariadb" "/usr/bin/mysql" -u"root" -p'<your_mysql_password>' dtable_db < /opt/seatable-backup/databases/dtable_db.sql

Restore the SeaTable data

rsync -az /opt/seatable-backup/seatable-server /opt
rsync -az /opt/seatable-backup/seatable-compose /opt

Restore the dtable-db data

docker exec -it seatable-server /opt/seatable/scripts/ restore-all

Database Backup (optional - without operation log)

Before running clean_db_records, you can make a backup by a shell script. The following tables with many records will be excluded:

  • operation_log
  • delete_operation_log
  • session_log
  • activities

Example of the backup shell script:

set -e
db_host='<IP address of database>'

echo 'Start backing up the database'

mysqldump -h$db_host -u$db_user -p --opt $db_name \
  --ignore-table=$db_name.activities \
  --ignore-table=$db_name.delete_operation_log \
  --ignore-table=$db_name.operation_log \
  --ignore-table=$db_name.session_log \
  > $backup_dir/seatable.sql.`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`

echo 'Database backup succeeded'

Run the shell script:

$ ./
Start backing up the database
Enter password: xxxxx
Database backup succeeded